Wednesday, December 13, 2006


From Reuters, 12/13/06:

Bush, who has resisted pressure to hold talks with Syria, as well as Iran, as part of a new approach to ending violence in Iraq, issued a statement calling on Syria to "immediately free all political prisoners."

How many in Guantanamo, Afghanistan, Iraq, the American Gulags in Eastern Europe? How many disappeared - oh, sorry, renditioned? This is what happens when you give up the moral high ground - when you step up to the bully pulpit, nobody takes you seriously.

"What has not happened is the appropriate response by the Syrians in terms of their adventurism within the region, especially with regard to Lebanon, their continued support and housing of terrorist organizations," Snow said.

That would be Tony Snow, White House Non-Spokesman. How do you suppose people in the region feel, with armed-to-the-teeth Americans occupying two nearby nations by military force, when the American government speaks out against "adventurism" within the region? Do you suppose they are truly that tone-deaf in Washington, utterly unable to parse their own words?

When bush/cheney speaks out about adventurism, interference with sovreign nations, rogue nations, human rights abuses or the rule of law, who would listen without laughter? How can you take these militaristic, bloodthirsty authoritarian theocrats seriously when they don't appear to be able to recognize the very nature of their own acts, and the consequences of those acts? It's sad, and it's sickening, to see what a hypocritical laughingstock they have made of the "Shining City on the Hill"...


At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mikey, we just had a whole big honkin' bunch of people rounded up, right here in Iowa, and sent off to some Gawd knows where detention center. Many never got to see their children or spouses. The priest of the congregation of St. Mary's, where most of the Latinos in Marshalltown worship, tried desperately to get help, and he also has been refused explanations and denied access to a lot of people swept up in the raid. (Seriously, that man has been a fierce advocate for his congregation.) Immigration lawyers haven't been able to see a lot of people. Tom Vilsack has wisely - and I hope not entirely for selfish political reasons - gone all Samuel L Jackson on homeland security's ass about all this. And the Iowa National Guard is a bit pissed off about the whole thing, ICE having stepped all over their toes and cut them clear out of the loop.

They also chose the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe for this vile raid. Some Christians they are, huh?

And half the citizens of our fair state are screaming good riddance. Fortunately, the other half are, well, appalled.

We have no right to point fingers. None. In relation to the moral high ground, Bushco is most definitely in the sewer.

I keep thinking, what would it be like to be one of the people who is saying, "We believe my (son, wife, husband)is in Atlanta, but we haven't been told anything for sure." How horrible. They did release some single mothers, but that was after immigration activists and the good Father badgered them incessantly. The whole thing has been disgusting.



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